
Problem Solved.

Resume: Malcolm Ferrier

Project Manager
Business Analyst
Internet/Database Developer

Areas of Specialization:
Information Technology, Health Care, Internet, Media, Entertainment, Banking/Insurance, Retail, Non-Profit

Information Technology Management, Internet Database Development, eCommerce, Document Management, Web-Based Digital Media Delivery

Development Tools
Microsoft Access/SQL Server, ASP.Net, Microsoft Visual Studio, HTML, Visual Basic/VBA, C#, Python, JavaScript, MS Office Suite, Visio, MS Project, Linux/Open source

Skills and Experience:
Project Management
As principal consultant for Ferrier Consulting, project managed, designed, developed, and implemented web/database applications for numerous Lower Mainland public and private organizations.

Project Advisor for multiple BCIT Directed Studies industry projects.

Successfully managed an online nursing guidelines web site development project for a hospital group. Project was completed ahead of schedule and below budget and fully met all functional requirements.  Later expanded this system into a document management system for the entire hospital group.

Coordinated and managed two senior and five junior database analysts for year 2000 remediation of applications for a group of hospitals. Project successfully concluded on time and below budget.

Business Analysis
Identified the business requirements for a new web site for a not-for-profit medical-research institute. Designed a site map, conducted user workshops, and developed an Internet strategy document.

Designed a series of information technology documents for a regional health board responsible for administering health services to a client population of over two million:
•Conducted a preliminary Web site costing investigation
•Developed Web site and electronic information security standards documents

Systems Development and Implementation
Created a centralized strategic data reporting application for the logistics department of a regional health board:
•Developed functions to import data files from three different hospitals’ databases into a common data model and created custom managerial reports using Access 97 and VBA

Developed a recruitment-request application for the HR department of a major metropolitan hospital, to replace a time-intensive paper-based process:
•Created a network-accessible user front-end using Access 97 and Visual Basic for applications

Designed and updated applications for the corporate headquarters of a major Canadian retail drugstore chain:
•Updated a component of the human resources bonus-reporting application using Microsoft Access reporting tools and Visual Basic 6.0
•Developed a server maintenance application using Visual Basic 6.0

Developed an automated interface for a hospital group’s ID card database system using Visual Basic 6.0.

Provided technical analysis for the deployment of compliant software for the workstation rollout for a hospital group’s office systems 2000 project. This phase of the project successfully focused on ensuring year 2000 compliance of the hospital’s software.

Web Development
Created a Web site application to administer and display guidelines for the nursing staff of a hospital group, using Active Server Pages 3.0 and SQL Server 7.0.

Developed a database-driven navigation system for the public Web site of a credit union, using Active Server Pages 3.0 and SQL Server 7.0.

Created an online email response application for a charitable medical-research institute, using Active Server Pages 3.0 and Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0.

Served as a technical advisor for the development of a preliminary Web site for a regional health board.

Created an internal online meeting and agenda planning application using Access 2000 and Active Server Pages 3.0 for an information technology consulting firm. Developed an email-delivered client survey form using Active Server Pages 3.0 for the same firm.

Developed a component-based eCommerce toolkit using SQL Server and Active Server Pages.

Developed a virtual online record label and management company into a viable eCommerce business:
•Created a comprehensive business proposal outlining a strategic plan for the first three years of operation; conducted extensive market research to determine the demand for online digital music formats, such as MP3
•Designed, developed and maintained a fully functional eCommerce Web site with the capacity for digital music delivery

Business Planning
Member of the development team for an eCommerce information systems plan for a private western Canadian property and casualty insurer:
•Developed a high-level systems strategy and implementation plan for eCommerce and back-end initiatives
•Conducted preliminary policy administration and management application package evaluations

Developed a detailed "virtual office" systems plan for a not-for-profit youth empowerment organization.

Program head for the Business Information Technology Management (BITMAN) program at BCIT for over a decade. Teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) Management, Information Systems, Database Design, IT Project Management, and Cloud Business Development.

Published papers on project scheduling, software selection, and simulation for teaching.

Completed a European lecture tour with a focus on "Management of the Cloud", presenting in France, Italy, and Austria.

Provided "Building a Successful e-business" workshop for a Lower Mainland Chamber of Commerce.

Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute, 2011.
Master of Business Administration in science and technology, Queen’s University, 1999.
Bachelor of Science in physics, University of Alberta, 1996.

Founder and Principal
Ferrier Consulting
Vancouver, BC
March 2002-Present

Program Head/Instructor
British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)
Burnaby, BC
September 2002-Present

Sierra Systems
Vancouver, BC
July 1999-February 2002

Wrote, directed, and produced the independent sci-fi action movie "STOP"
Wrote a Canadian spy thriller novella ("Troubleshooter")
Dean's List, Queen's University MBA 1999
Scored in the 98th percentile (710) in the GMAT
Recipient of the AHFMR Media Fellowship
Formed and managed a successful professional touring musical group

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